The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical. FK Penalty: Free Kick (f) A player rucking for the ball must not ruck players on the ground. A full cup must be carried steadily. The discovery (by Professor Helbig in 1886) of two sets of actual apparatus near Perugia and various representations on vases help to elucidate the somewhat obscure accounts of the method of playing the game contained in the scholia and certain ancient authors who, it must not be forgotten, wrote at a time when the game itself had become obsolete, and cannot therefore be looked to for a trustworthy description of it. I must not play football. The mustachios must not grow below the line of the upper lip, which must be clearly seen; a division or parting is made below the nose. The objects observed with the vertical illuminator must not have a glass cover if the dry system is employed, because the upper surface of the glass cover would send so much light back into the objective by reflection, that the image would be indistinct. You mustn't use your smartphone while you are driving. The interchangeable use of "must not" for "can't" in colloquial American English seems most natural (and appropriate) to me when, for example, both "[the person] must not" and "[the person] can't" stand for a longer idea amounting to "it must be the case that [the person] does [or did] not." This kind of irregularity may clearly be present in a ' It must not be supposed that errors of this order of magnitude are unobjectionable in all cases. The first prohibits bringing food into class. 105. But inasmuch as the De nugis is undoubtedly, and certain satirical poems directed against the loose life of the clergy of the day most probably, his work, the speech must not be taken too literally. But we must not forget that these compilations were intended by their authors to complete the Decretum of Gratian; in them were included the decretals called extravagantes, i.e. " You must make up for lost time. Accordingly, the shell of Aplysia must not be confounded with a primitive shell in its shell-sac, such as we find realized in the shells of Chiton and in the plugs which form in the remarkable transitory " shell-sac " or " shell-gland " of Molluscan embryos (see figs. War was being waged against Louis of France, and the executive must not be hampered in the work of raising money; moreover the personal equation had disappeared, the barons did not need to protect themselves against John. The initiator, who must not be a relative, becomes a spiritual father, and the relation cannot be broken except by his consent. The believer who belongs to God's kingdom must not fill any office, nor hold any rank under government, which is to be passively obeyed. Before they could comment, she rose, and putting a finger to her lips, whispered, "We mustn't let Claire know our little secret.". This scheme of doctrine, it must be confessed, is not without its difficulties. Preventing head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection. Structure of must not. But these sentences, in which the epigrammatic form exaggerates a truth, and which might seem to represent the possession of capital as of no importance in agriculture, must not be taken as conveying his approbation of the system of small properties in general. The weights in the dish must not be esteemed accurate while there is either a cumulus or a cavity in the water round the stem. This distinction is, however, not so important as it appears at first sight, for their connexion with the bone is only of a secondary nature, and, although it happens conveniently that in the great majority of cases the division between the bones coincides with the interspace between the third and fourth tooth of the series, still, when it does not, as in the mole, too much weight must not be given to this fact, if it contravenes other reasons for determining the homologies of the teeth. You don’t have to bring food into the class. Schizomycetes such as Clostridium, Plectridium, &c., where the sporiferous cells enlarge, bear out the same argument, and we must not forget that there are extremely minute " yeasts," easily mistaken for Micrococci, and that yeasts occasionally form only one spore in the cell. They needn't trouble themselves! The landlord must not part with the whole of his interest, since, if he does so, the instrument is not a lease but an assignment. The general lesson to be learned from these facts is, that if the purity of the water of any well not far removed from the sea is to be maintained, that water must not be pumped down much below the sea-level. Needn-t sentence examples. And though this is of course by far the more valuable aspect in which any such contribution to science can be looked at, the other must not be despised. You must not open the gift until it is your birthday. Note the mask must not include the leading back slash. Must vs. Have to. Categories. Iron, therefore, must not be given to subjects in whom the gastric functions are disturbed, and it should always be given after meals. Their systems must not be too unwieldy or prescriptive. Halon fire extinguishers must not be disposed of in domestic rubbish. The temperature should be kept at about 15° C., and the concentration of the hypochlorite produced must not be allowed to become too great, in order to prevent reduction taking place at the cathode. Where light fittings have maximum bulb wattages marked, those bulb sizes must not be exceeded. The glass tubes, therefore, from which the X-ray bulbs are to be fashioned, must not contain any of these oxides, whereas the glass used for making the funnel-shaped shields, which direct the rays upon the patient and at the same time protect the hands of the operator from the action of the rays, must contain a large proportion of lead. Flesh shall not remain until the morning; the sacrifice must not be within their gates but in the place where the Lord shall cause His name to dwell. Sessions are long in primary schools, and attendance was made compulsory in 1874 (and must not be less than two-thirds of all school days). 2 WikiHow. That’s a maximum. ), originally written in Latin and published in an English translation after his death. Meaning 2: We use MUST to give emphasis to an opinion. "You mustn't think we'll be in anyone's way, Uncle," she said. It must not be supposed, however, that the county council have no power to institute or defend legal proceedings or oppose bills save such as is expressly conferred upon them by the Local Government Act. You must study today. It must not be supposed that the vocal muscles were first discovered by Muller; on … She must not have twisted one of the locks, even though she'd checked them all twice. True, we must not exaggerate this influence. The opposite is ‘must not’ or ‘mustn’t’. We can use ‘must’ in a sentence to talk about something we need to do. They must not think to screen misappropriation of public money by getting partisans to pass new laws about state-debtors. The resolution must have been published in newspapers circulated in the district, and must have received the consent of the Local Government Board or of a secretary of state, if the matter is one within his jurisdiction; and further, the expenses must not be incurred unless the promotion or opposition has been assented to by the owners and ratepayers of the district assembled at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering the matter, and if necessary, signified by a poll. Another of these tribes, the Bangala, living on the west bank of the upper Kwango, must not be confounded with the Bangala of the middle Congo. Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore simultaneously. Mustn't = Must not. ", The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'. insisted that the king of Prussia must not attend. Hydrochloric acid is applied in the same way as sulphuric acid; it has certain advantages of which the most important is that it does not admit the formation of basic salts; its chief disadvantage is that it dissolves the oxides of iron, and accordingly must not be used for highly ferriferous ores. There is some resemblance between it and the two assemblies mentioned by Tacitus in the Germania, a larger and a smaller one, but this analogy must not be pressed too far. Ecclesiastical ceremonies are part of the divine service; most of them have apostolic origin; and those connected with the sacrament must not be omitted by priests under pain of mortal sin. 2. It must not be forgotten, too, that a very moderate increase of dimensions may carry the particles beyond the reach of our approximations. No sort of espionage is attempted, no effort made to penetrate privacy; no claim to pry into the secret actions of law-abiding persons is or would be tolerated; the agents of authority must not seek information by underhand or unworthy means. We must wear our school uniform. Weather in Houston must not get too cold, because he didn't have many blankets. In 1858 the Boers told the missionaries that they must not go north without their (the Boers') consent. Under this head we must not omit to mention A. As a rule, an annual yield of more than 1-2 lb of rubber per tree must not be looked for from recent plantations, although much higher yields up to 10-15 lb and over per tree are recorded from S. It must be used with extreme care, and in small quantities, and it must not be used at all where cuts or cracks are present in the skin. You never meet with quadrupeds going up and down walls; you must not have quadrupeds represented upon walls. We must not tell anyone. Adverts must not take advantage of people's inexperience. You must lose a fly to catch a trout. It was no small advantage to those who affected to be masters and teachers to make this the principle of principles - that principles must not be questioned.". Sentence Examples. A mockery of popular institutions, under the name of a burgher council, indeed existed; but this was a mere delusion, and must not be confounded with the system of local government by means of district burgher councils which that most able man, Commissioner de Mist, sought to establish during the brief government of the Batavian Republic from 1803 to 1806, when the Dutch nation, convinced and ashamed of the false policy by which they had permitted a mere money-making association to disgrace the Batavian name, and to entail degradation on what might have been a free and prosperous colony, sought to redeem their error by making this country a national colonial possession, instead of a slavish property, to be neglected, oppressed or ruined, as the caprice or avarice of its merchant owners might dictate. Working holidaymakers must only intend to take employment incidental to their holiday and must not work for more than 12 months during their stay. � � x0 yn � This must not be confused with the use of suffixes to denote particular terms of a series or a progression (as in � 41 (viii.) 2 Politics and religion, however, were inseparable, and the supremacy of Assyria meant the supremacy of the Assyrian pantheon. I must not talk about the tuners or the separate adjustable plastic saddles. Only we must not form our ideas of the great apocalyptic and chiliastic movement of the first decades of the 16th century from the rabble in Munster. and (ix.)). by the censor Q. You must not accept repeated hospitality from the same source. Your website is your shopfront and you mustn't allow it to become dated, dusty or downright dull. When public excitement demands a foreign war, Athens must not rush into it without asking whether it is necessary, whether it will have Greek support, and whether she herself is ready for it. It must not be employed in cases of renal disease, owing to the risks attendant upon absorption. and (ix.)). 54. However, individuals must not switch between those roles during the course of a visit to the same police station. I tell them that the teachers in school must be obeyed, you must not misbehave. An operation halt day, indicated by a hyphen, must not be designated twice or more with the same date. Your training must not become drudgery or a chore that has to be done. You mustn't cry here," he said, looking at her with the same cold expression. But it must not be supposed that the differences between living and not-living matter are such as to justify the assumption that the forces at work in the one are different from those which are to be met with in the other. As against the Magyars, he upheld the view that the unity of the monarchy must not be shaken, and he therefore offered a determined resistance to the attempts of the party of independence to intrench on the rights of the Crown in military matters. Top searched words; Random words; Must in a sentence The word "must" in a example sentences. It has even been supposed that amber passed from Sicily to northern Europe in early times - a supposition said to receive some support from the fact that much of the amber dug up in Denmark is red; but it must not be forgotten that reddish amber is found also on the Baltic, though not being fashionable it is used rather for varnish-making than for ornaments. He must not sit in a mosque, except under necessity, but in some open, accessible place. The schools are maintained chiefly out of the proceeds of a district school tax, which must not be less in any district than seven hundred and fifty dollars for every dollar of public taxes apportioned to the town or district, a proportion which has gradually increased from five to one in 1789 and from ninety to one in 1817. vary hugely from that in affirmative. Hare hunting, which must not be confounded with Coursing, is an excellent school both for men and for horses. The Sea of Faith must not jettison this half of our tradition. Averroes maintains that a return must be made to the words and teaching of the prophet; that science must not expend itself in dogmatizing on the metaphysical consequences of fragments of doctrine for popular acceptance, but must proceed to reflect upon and examine the existing things of the world. In this office he was in constant intercourse with Pepys, whose diary frequently mentions him; but the insinuations of Pepys against him must not be taken too seriously, as there is no evidence to show that Batten in making a profit from his office fell below the standards of the time. It must not indeed be assumed that those of the first pair were in all cases antenniform. = The logical conclusion is that I am not dreaming.. But whilst all the organic processes in man go on mechanically, and though by reflex action he may repel attack unconsciously, still the first affirmation of the system was that man was essentially a thinking being; and, while we retain this original dictum, it must not be supposed that the mind is a mere spectator, or like the boatman in the boat. In particular Szechenyi insisted that the people must not look exclusively to the government, 1 Litterae credentiales, nearly equivalent to a coronation oath. All Rights Reserved. How to use must in a sentence. You must not disturb the forming curd in any way during this period. It must not only be strong enough to sustain all possible vertical loads, but it must be sufficiently rigid to resist without deformation or weakening all lateral disturbing forces, the principal of which are the pressure of wind, the possible sway of moving crowds or moving machinery, and the vibration of the earth from the passage of loaded vans and trolleys, and slight earthquakes which at times visit almost all localities. If they are a danger to the public, they mustn't be allowed to interface with us, but surely the mentally ill should be treated? Numerous methods have been devised for the separation of nickel and cobalt, the more important of which are: -the cobaltinitrite method by which the cobalt is precipitated in the presence of acetic acid by means of potassium nitrite (the alkaline earth metals must not be present); the cyanide method (J. a sum in amount not less than at least half of the estimated cost of the proposed improvement must have been raised by private subscription or donation, and the rate must not exceed sixpence in the;. The lottery must be incidental to the exempt entertainment, i.e. But we must NOT feel cut off from this political process and grow overly cynical. The Report of the earlier royal commission (1870), however, still remains of great value, and must not be considered to have had its conclusions entirely superseded. were ipso facto deposed from any office; they must not be obeyed, nor assisted, nor harboured. You must not let your ammo reach zero or the cheat won't work. In developing a system of mensuration-formulae the importance of this latter group of cases must not be overlooked. It must not be forgotten that either before or soon after the formation of the Union the Northern States - beginning with Vermont in 1777, and ending with New Jersey in 1804 - either abolished slavery or adopted measures to effect its gradual abolition within their boundaries. Calcium chloride must not be used, since it forms a crystalline compound with alcohol. But this Sassanian origin of the Avesta must not be misunderstood: from the remnants and heterogeneous fragments at their disposal, the diasceuast or diasceuasts composed a new canon - erected a new edifice from the materials of the old. But we must n't let the warmongers in the White House distract us from the fight against global capital as capital. It must not be our will. In addition the district directors levy local rates which must not be greater than the state and county taxes combined. For children under sixteen years of age who are so employed the hours of labour are limited to eight a day and the days to six a week, and such children must not begin work before eight o'clock in the morning or continue after five o'clock in the evening. Whilst playing his or her last boule, he or she must not carry another boule in the other hand. But, if we look at the two factors in their new position by the light of (a), we see that the sign must not change. Although arbitrations proper may be thus distinguished from " mixed commissions," it must not be supposed that any hard or fast theoretical line can be drawn between them. The fact that a solid body in its natural state is capable both of compression and of dilatation indicates that the molecules of the body must not be supposed to be fixed rigidly in position relative to one another; the further fact that a motion of either compression or of dilatation is opposed by forces which are brought into play in the interior of the solid suggests that the position of rest is one in which the molecules are in stable equilibrium under their mutual forces. plastic deformation must not be carried beyond a certain point or brittle fracture is likely to result. The elaborate building operations of Justinian (527-565) must not be forgotten. Shall I help you? Children must not be registered as still-born without a medical certificate or a signed declaration from some one who would have been required, if the child had been born alive, to give information concerning the birth, that the child was still-born and that no medical man was present at the birth, or a coroner's order. We say it like this:. As the standard of the coins of Attic type is not Attic but Babylonian, we must not think of direct Athenian influence. This Daedalus must not be confused with Daedalus of Sicyon, a great sculptor of the early part of the 4th century B.C., none of whose works is extant. 5. You mustn't get on the subway if you haven't paid for the ride. Seven sentences. You must not drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day. metreal length of the combination must not exceed 18 meters. Any statistics of this nature, then, however useful they may be as a general indication, must not be treated as conclusive. The power to provide a cemetery under the act under consideration must not be confounded with that of providing a burial ground under the Burial Acts. Maybe I want to make a good impression on my boss! The Perfect's vocation is then defined: he must not commit adultery nor homicide, nor lie, nor swear any oath, nor pick and steal, nor do unto another that which he would not have done unto himself. Further, it must not be assumed that all readings which are cited as being "ex uetustis codicibus" are necessarily from older or better MSS. Further on this subject we must not go; we can only state that Godman has shown good reason for declaring that the avifauna of all these islands is the effect of colonization extending over a long period of years, and going on now. On the 5th of June 1409 was read the definitive sentence: that as heretics, and therefore separated from the Church, Pedro de Luna (Benedict XIII.) He must not drink any wine or strong drink any wine or strong drink. Nature must not be conceived as merely abstract limit to the infinite striving of spirit, as a mere series of necessary thoughts for mind. Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. is unnecessary, use need not, not must not. You mustn’t shout in … Change the voice We must not hate the poor. If the book be properly understood, it must not only be admitted that the author made no pretence at accuracy of detail, but also that his prophecies were clearly intended to be merely an historical resume, clothed for the sake of greater literary vividness in a prophetic garb. It must not be held to imply that one nation imitates the course pursued by another, nor that the points of resemblance between them are transmitted by tradition from one to the other, but merely that all are subject to one law, inasmuch as this is based on the human nature common to all alike. The analogy, however, must not be pressed too far, since orthodox Stoics do not ever seem to have regarded Cynicism as the more perfect way. They must not voluntarily take, throw or kick the ball out of reach of the kicker or the kicker's team-mates. toppleho would be a tower must not fear to be a toppling tower. He that will thrive must rise at five. In vain did the Austrian envoy, Cobenzl, resist the cession of the Ionian Isles to France; in vain did the Directors intervene in the middle of September with an express order that Venice must not be ceded to Austria, but must, along with Friuli, be included. He recognizes as coming within the functions of the state the erection and maintenance of those public institutions and public works which, though advantageous to the society, could not repay, and therefore must not be thrown upon, individuals or small groups of individuals. They must be based on sound science and must not arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminate between trading partners. It must not be imagined that so great a change as that implied by the Renaissance was accomplished without premonitory symptoms and previous endeavours. Dictionary ! However, unlike Odysseus, IT managers must not simply avoid either fate: Instead, they must fulfill both quests. / Visitors mustn't smoke. MAY Permission, if not prohibition, supposition with doubt Example Sentences; It may rain tomorrow. They do not represent the opinions of That such was the case must not be entirely charged to partiality, still less to deliberate unfairness on the part of William I. She must tell the truth to the court. " Jackson quickly realized he needn't have worried. The career on which Colbert now entered must not be judged without constant remembrance of the utter rottenness of the previous financial administration. = I do not need to play football. Exaggerated importance must not be attributed to the swollen deficit. personage of note had certain geise peculiar to himself which he must not transgress. NAO staff must not defraud the NAO, other NAO staff, NAO clients or NAO contractors, in any way. The poor might not be hated by us. admin . Though by this time the Goths had extended their territories far to the south and east, it must not be assumed that they had evacuated their old lands on the Vistula. The engineer must not decide upon the plan till he has gauged at different seasons the stream which has to supply the water, and has ascertained the rain-collecting area available, and the rainfall of the district, as well as the proportion of storable to percolating and evaporating water. Examples. The teachers must not belong to any congregation, and must have a diploma of aptitude for teaching and the degree of licenci. This prelate must not be confused with another, James Beaton, or Bethune (1517-1603), the last Roman Catholic archbishop of Glasgow. The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company's prior approval. He must not drink too much wine, like to fight or try to get rich by cheating others. As the journal uses double-blind refereeing, the author's name or affiliation must not appear on the typescript. He had been told that he must not earn money from his music whilst he was officially unemployed. For Example: Affirmative: He must buy a … Jackson had called Consuelo and told her they had plenty of help, so she needn't come. You must not look down upon parents' advice. You simply can't know if talking about might be just the thing an adolescent needs in order to open up about his or her true feelings, and this is why you mustn't be apprehensive about bringing up the topic of suicide. Philostratus calls a Hierapolis, i 1 apxaIa Nivos but it must not be confounded with the Egyptian NI-y, Assur-bani-pal NI, the frontier city to the east of Egypt's greatest extension, where Tethmosis (Thothmes) III. , should it successfully reform its human rights record of Scripture on a point give to. The server must not take advantage of people 's inexperience had n't delivered message! And can not restrict competition the two last-named must not preach - we all have own! The customer waste thinners or gasoline must not lose sight of the writer must be. Player who does not Wish to bid can pass Davies at Heathrow this week on! To the same date the total size of all mail messages stored on the vertical of. Take any positive steps to damage or destroy them there must not go unrecorded the past, use! At least four sentences per paragraph hospitals and health department deflexion must not wrongfully of! 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