As a result, Chopper was taken by the Foxy Pirates, in part to weaken the Straw Hat Pirate's Groggy Ring team (since team members cannot be replaced once teams are set) and also because of his cuteness.[99]. On her way out, Nami passed over Franky's bridge and found Perona loading treasure onto her ship in an attempt to escape. 4Kids English VA: Later, while playing a shogun scene on the Sunny, she wears a bikini top, a necklace with a star pendant, short shorts, and very high heels. The fight was short and Zoro joined the crew again in the Rocket Man. However, instead of outright killing everyone as his orders said, he offered everyone a deal: let him have Luffy's head and he would leave everyone alone. Franky appeared then to exact his revenge on the Straw Hats for destroying the Franky House and defeating the Franky As a giant, Diane is several times larger than an ordinary human being. Navigator; Pirate; Thief;[4] Pirate Officer[2] (Arlong Pirates, former); Kunoichi (temporary)[5] Iceburg made it clear to Nami that Robin wanted to recover the blueprints for CP9 and turn herself in so they wouldn't initiate a Buster Call against the Straw Hats. [55] Zoro was later brought to Arlong Park where he discovered Nami's allegiance to Arlong. [81] Nami stated that such a battle was pointless while Usopp disagreed and spoke of honor and then wished to visit Elbaf and be a man like them. After escaping from Rain Dinners, Usopp and the crew, together with Vivi, crossed the desert to Alubarna, where the final battle would take place. Nami stole it back and tried to use all three pieces together, but was only further frustrated at it made little water fountains. Sanji defended them and ordered Luffy to not attack in order to protect Nami. One of them was a pink, long-sleeved sweater with a white collar, a pleated brown mini-skirt, and brown high-heeled boots. [78] She confronted the Straw Hats on their ship and gave them an Eternal Pose to the Island of Nothing, an island near Arabasta where no Baroque Works agents would find them. Inside, they met up with Luffy, who had thought he was in a cave the whole time. X[9] Alive The rest of the fight was left to the three strongest members of the Straw Hats: Sanji, Zoro and Luffy who were able to finish it. On their journey back, they began to run from local wildlife. Segundo, Kirito and Alice didn't go back do Gigas Cedar and bury the Blue Rose Sword. 66,000,000[17]16,000,000[18] She was then suddenly impaled through the back of her shoulder by a spike jutting through the wall. Hermione, played by Emma Watson in all eight films based on the books by J.K. Rowling, was one of Harry's best friends.Mr. Cricket was a descendant of Mont Blanc Noland, an infamous "liar" who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was an outcast looking for artifacts of the gold city and may have known how to get to Skypiea. Will it work though? Eventually, Nami, along with Usopp and Chopper, overheard Hogback talking about his plan to create Oars, the strongest zombie. When Dorry and Brogy were just about to continue their bout, Dorry suffered from an internal explosion from his intake of the Straw Hats' wine, and Nami took this opportunity to leave. Nami was slammed back, but before Miss Doublefinger could land a killing blow, her thundercloud struck her with lightning. As they waited for the Franky Family to activate the bridge, they lined up on the roof trying to convince Robin to accept their help. Luffy emerged from the smoke unharmed, wondering what shot at him. When meeting with the Fire Tank Pirates, she wore a short, backless red dress. When the Straw Hats returned and saw what happened, Luffy decided to take a side trip back to Mock Town, where he effortlessly defeated Bellamy and took back the gold. This outfit consisted of a blue and purple halter top with a pink shroud and a long white skirt with the top part blue, Nami later tore the skirt up the side to make it easier for her to run. Right after the man crew returned to his crew, the Straw Hats learned that he was Mr. 2 Bon Kurei of Baroque Works. The Pirate Ganzack,, Despite the figures above, Nami's breasts seem to enlarge and then "reset" throughout the arcs (this is much more obvious in the manga and in. Nami managed to escape her captivity with the help of Billy, and found the Thousand Sunny. Seeing this, the scientists freed her, but it turned out to be a ruse and she managed to escape by taking Haredas hostage. Vanya found refuge at a farm with a family and becomes close friends with Sissy and her son Harlan. As the three were running through the hallways of the mansion from more painting Zombies, a mysterious bodyguard decided to chase them. The three later visited the grave site of Nami's adoptive mother, Bell-mère, where Nami revealed that she was almost finished paying Arlong's fee to buy back Cocoyasi. They were saved by Kokoro who turned out to be a mermaid. Nami went her own way so she can rush to the Sea Train. The Straw Hats and everyone else on the island refused, and he set off his bomb-like Ursus Shock that badly wounded everyone. Nami [42] Disarmed of all but one sword, Zoro fought an uphill battle against the teamwork of Buichi and Sham, which was difficult without all three swords and Zoro prevented Usopp from helping him by taking a hit from his Lead Star to keep him from getting dragged into the fight. Lola, a zombie who Nami had befriended by lying about her gender, then arrived, initially attacking Nami for being chosen as Absalom's bride before attacking Absalom to allow her to escape. Nami attempted again, but had a bouquet of flowers popped out, leaving Miss Doublefinger even more confused and embarrassed for her. Hatchan nervously asked Nami to have some Takoyaki without her beating him. Nami suddenly got an idea and called Luffy "boss", asking him to take care of the pirates. Later, they celebrated the ending of the four hundred year war. They had to get off the escape ship to fight of the Buster Call while Luffy fought Lucci. The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. Is her past self with her old memories essentially dead/gone/erased-for-good? Nami was present when Franky revealed his intention of building a new ship for the crew, which delighted her. During her time working for Arlong, she managed to steal a map of the Grand Line from Buggy and then laid adrift at sea with an empty treasure chest, which she used to trick some pirates and took their boat and their treasure instead. At the kidnapper's hideout, a trap was being set. She continued to tease Nami further, keeping a part of her staff away. Yes, correct, Vanya has no idea who her family is, providing some sobering moments when she does finally meet them. Odex English VA: Vivi figured out where the bomb was, and had Usopp call the Straw Hats together with a flare. Nami The crew traveled to the city of Rainbase to take down Crocodile and Baroque Works, but ran afoul of Smoker and Tashigi. She realized Bell-mère's spirit had really been there listening to her and was encouraging her to begin her journey with the Straw Hat Pirates. Growing bored, Miss Doublefinger finished her cigarette and charged at her, growing spikes on her heels. Recently, an 82-year-old woman who suffered from dementia, who couldn’t recognize her own son has miraculously got her memory back after changing her diet.-->Listened to our latest podcast episode yet? Later that night, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei contacted them, telling them he prevented their ship from being taken by the Marines. Nami took advantage of the opening by firing a Thunder Lance Tempo right through its torso, doing enough damage to make it go berserk. [92] Luffy and Sanji then took Nami to the island's sole doctor, who lived on a mountain top. They ran to their ship and managed to return to the Blue Sea with the help of Pagaya and Conis. In the nick of time, Silvers Rayleigh arrived and deflected the finishing blow, buying some time for Luffy to yell to his crew to escape, with the plan being to lay low, survive for three days, and rendezvous at the Thousand Sunny. Usopp returned but told the boys that it was just a lie, and they left disappointed at Usopp lying to hurt people but not to entertain. CONTACT US. The World Nobles' guards then attacked the Straw Hats who defeated them easily. 66,000,000[17]16,000,000[18] After the incident in the bathroom, Nami and her companions found out that the paintings and stuffed trophies in the dining room were all Zombies. Her third outfit was a baby blue kimono with a dark-colored (pink in the anime) pattern. Robin finally agreed and said that she wanted to live when Luffy had Sogeking burn the World Government When they saw that the bridge was only partially activated Kokoro volunteered her help using the Rocketman. The crew landed at Nanohana where they encountered Smoker and Tashigi. Status: Afterwards, Nami almost got caught up in the fight to save Sogeking from Jabra, but fortunately Sanji shows up and decides to face Jabra himself. It informed her that Usopp, Franky, and Sanji were on board the train that had just departed. That beauty, that figure! They became friends and Luffy agreed to help Gaimon get the treasure he had been guarding on top of the rock. Once he finally called out her name once, she burst into tears. He then used a Smoke Star to try to escape. Meanwhile, Nami spotted Luffy and ran towards him for help. Brook stated that since he had new friends in Luffy and the others, he no longer needed the Dial and would give it to Laboon the next time they met. 'Cuz that's kinda depressing. Trusting doctors blindly, especially psychiatrists, can get you killed. They were forced to stop, however when Charlos's sister Shalria threatened to blow up the explosive collar around Camie's neck. She called Nami a useless girl, and then explained she could grow spikes anywhere on her body. She ran off, saying she forgave them and that she wanted a house to live in. She is the third member of the crew and the second to join, doing so during the Orange Town Arc. She is greedy and will do anything, aside from abandoning or killing her friends, for money. Alive Vivi unwittingly revealed that Mr. 0 was in fact Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. They sent a message to the rest of the crew to cut down Giant Jack. Usopp and Chopper find the IQ plant, but find the medicine is being held by Dr. Indigo. Full House:Michelle Rides Again (2) - 8x24Michelle Falling Off Her Horse She seemed to have abandoned the sandals for high-heeled boots as of Chapter 435 but she started using sandals again by the end of the arc. While all escape harm from the explosion, animals from outside storm the palace adding to the chaos within. However, Yosaku was suffering from an ailment where old wounds would reopen and begin bleeding. Mr. 1 moved in for the kill but she was saved by Zoro who fought him off, leaving Nami alone with Miss Doublefinger. [32] During the fight, Buggy chased after Nami when he spotted her taking his loot, but Luffy saved her. For the first time, she wore sleeveless clothing that exposed her Arlong Pirates tattoo, but later, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, Nami later stabbed her tattoo relentlessly in an attempt to destroy it, until Luffy stopped her by force. After the crew had split up, she changed into a frilled halterneck and a pleated frilled skirt with round studs around the waistline and a small decorative bow in front. In the Movie 3, she wears a white dress with crisscrossed black lines, and a red belt. While running, she noted that Luffy had always been there to support his crew to the best of his ability during their darkest hours, so now it was their turn to return the favor. She also put on slip-on brown sandals; in the anime, she was only shown wearing them very briefly and ended up barefooted, losing her sandals when the Sunny passed through the White Storm. After the fight, most of the Straw Hats were left exhausted, but the arrival of Sentomaru and another Pacifista, PX-1, forced them to flee. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Nami when played Support. During the Drum Island Arc, she wore several outfits. When she's turned into a child, she wears a simple white dress, and later into a similar dress with pink edges and yellow spots. It was explained that a plant there, called IQ, caused animals to evolve very rapidly, making them very strong. Shiki then sent down a tone dial to record the warning. Usopp said goodbye to the Straw Hat crew, who became confused and told him to stop and get on their ship with them. Isla is one of the shortest characters in the series. Later, the Straw Hats hurried to locate the bomb before it went off. Knowing his abilities, they made an 'X' mark on their right arms and covered them with bandages to know when he would be posing as one of them. In the episode "The Outsider" Hook makes Belle cross the town line. Her lips morphed into a spike that jut from her face, but Nami was able to avoid being stabbed. Usopp complied and boarded the Going Merry, officially becoming a member of the Straw Hats. Once the crew had sailed out of Punk Hazard into more pleasant conditions, she wore a pink sleeveless shirt with the word "HEAT" on it in red letters with a picture of candy below it, teal and white striped shorts, and her high-heeled sandals. They spent a night on Upper Yard to prepare for their trek to "the skull's right eye" where the City of Gold was located. Nami prepared to use her next move but before she was ready, Miss Doublefinger charged at her as Nami was forced to push her back with her foot, causing it to be impaled. In fact, there is a lot you can do. Many of her shirts feature four-letter words, such as "Gold" or "EVIL", similar to a shirt that Bell-mère once wore that had "MACE" on it. While she and Haredas were escaping, she read the article about Luffy returning to Marineford and got frustrated at him for not thinking about the crew and only himself. During the Whisky Peak Arc, she wore a black shirt with the word "MODE" printed in the center in pink with the base in a pink mesh-like design, her regular yellow skirt and her high-heeled sandals. She also wore Monkey D. Luffy's straw hat for a while before it was later returned to him. She was later seen crying, stating that she wanted to go home. According to marriage therapist Allyson P., a person needs to consider not only the content of the messages sent back and forth but also the amount of them. During the Loguetown Arc, she wore a plain navy blue, short-sleeved shirt, a dark blue mini-skirt with white rings on the sides, and navy blue high-heeled sandals. Just wondering if [title]. After escaping from him, the Straw Hats met with Mont Blanc Cricket on another part of Jaya. I don't think it was made clear in the movie? With Luffy's resolve to go to the island, Nami could not stop him. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. As Oars was about to beat them, Luffy saved them almost instantly in his new form - Nightmare Luffy, which allowed him to seriously injure Oars and Moria. [91], They arrived at last to Drum Island, only to find out they were not welcome as they were attacked by the locals. Absalom shot Lola down with his invisible Bazooka, but Nami then defeated him with one hit of her Thunder Charge: Swing Arm, not realizing that he had been weakened from his fight with Sanji. IMHO, kinda looks like she's actually laughing at Luffy getting punched by Sanji with a mouth full of those lollies (or whatever they are...I can't remember what they are now). Predictably, Luffy did not bother to follow the plan, and slung himself beyond the gates before the train stopped. Usopp fought Luffy in order to decide who would keep the Going Merry; he fought hard, even using an Impact Dial for the first time. [104] Then Luffy asked Brook to join his crew which in turn the skeleton accepted. [21] She has a black tattoo (blue in the anime)[22] on her left shoulder, which represents mikan, and pinwheels (a homage to Bell-mère, Nojiko, and Genzo, respectively), where she used to have a tattoo for being a member of Arlong's crew.[2]. They stocked up on supplies. Unfortunately, their escape ship exploded after being hit by several cannon balls from the Marine battleships. Manga pre-timeskip Hello friends! However, after escaping, Iceburg arrived in a Galley-La ship just in time to pick up the Straw Hat Pirates as the Merry suddenly broke apart. [35] The group was sent flying into the backyard (by Luffy) only to intrude on an argument between Usopp and Klahadore, who insulted Usopp's father, and forced the group away from the house. They found out that some pirates had been beaten at the hands of some powerful craftsmen, the Galley-La Company. I'm writing a manga with a friend for fun. After tackling some of the dangers in the desert, they reached Yuba where they met Toto, a friend of the royal family. She wears a strap around her thigh with three slots in it which she keeps each pole of her bo staff and later the Clima-Tact in. Nami then generated a rainfall using her new Clima Tact, and returned back to normal. She is a model employee. Nami thought it would be easier to play by their rules by buying Camie back with the money they had. Her long, silver hair is usually seen in pigtails. Everyone made their escape with Nami using Thunderbolt Tempo. and Mrs. Granger were played by Ian Kelly and Michelle Fairley after the series recast Tom Knight and Heather Bleasdale. Nami and the rest of the crew tried their best to protect Robin but she was effortlessly knocked aside by the admiral. But national NAMI does not appear to care much about these problems, and is all too happy to blame them, including the … Anime pre-timeskip Nami told Camie that they would rescue him if she could find a way to get to Fish-Man Island. As the Tone Dial is knocked off the ship, it is revealed that on the other half of the message Nami indeed asked them to save her. The Minister of the Left also gave her a New World Log Pose to replace her old Log Pose, which had become unreliable due to the more unpredictable nature of magnetic fields coming from islands in the New World, which she began to wear henceforth. Nami was cornered and tried to face them, but flustered and tried to flee again. During the Romance Dawn Arc to the Syrup Village Arc, Nami's initial trademark look consisted of a white and blue striped shirt, her trademark orange mini-skirt and brown high-heeled boots. [76] After pretending to pass out, she woke up and while Zoro fought the bounty hunters, she tried to find the treasure the bounty hunters had stolen from other pirates but was unsuccessful. While Usopp and Nami felt uncomfortable leaving the ship, Vivi and Luffy decided to go explore the island. When will Juliette get her memory back? While Nami's navel was exposed, a prehistoric insect bit her, resulting in Nami catching a deadly disease. He had to put her on her side to improve her circulation. Nami decided she would get a new tattoo to cover the scar, and had Dr. Nako engrave one with the design of a pinwheel with a tangerine on it, after her guardians Bell-mère and Genzo. [24], Nami at first tried to form a partnership with Luffy but when she found out he was a pirate, she turned Luffy in to Buggy and pretended he was her former boss. He rode to the hospital with her in the ambulance. After the arc, she wore a plain white shirt with a blue mini-skirt with two white rings on the sides. Then, she changes her clothes for a pink top and a yellow skirt with a black belt. At first, two small toy pigeons popped out, which was seemingly another harmless move. After finally been convinced to join the Straw Hats, Chopper announced his intentions to Dr. Kureha, who did not take it too well. Nami recovers, and feeling a storm approaching has an idea. Shiki receives a Den Den Mushi call warning of the storm and asking him to redirect the island which he does. Unknown to him, the call was in fact coerced by Usopp and Chopper, and that Nami has lead them directly into the storm. They then met and befriended a Skypiean named Conis. Cricket explained how the Straw Hats can ride a dangerous vertical current called the Knock Up Stream to get to Skypiea. She sardonically complimented Nami on her weapon, but stated it did not have much attack power behind it. Japanese Name: Luffy and the others finally caught up to Sanji, Usopp, and the rest of the Franky Family as they neared Enies Lobby. After a complete check-up, her doctor said that Mary was fine. Sanji notably showed dismay when Nami put on the shirt. Luffy then gave the Going Merry a viking funeral by burning it as the crew tearfully said goodbye.[100]. This caused her to be pinned down, making Nami strip off the jacket and abandon it so she could run away. They soon decided to search for the others, using Billy to fly. She also easily saw through all of Foxy's attempts to stall them such as a fake detour sign, a fake emergency victim, and a fake finish line. Before the Syrup Village Arc, Nami wore her trademark orange mini-skirt with two white rings on each side filled in with orange or brown in their centers and shirts with short sleeves that were long enough to hide her tattoo on her left shoulder that showed that she was a member of the Arlong Pirates. They eventually freed Hatchan and he easily defeated the Macro Pirates. Miss Doublefinger transformed her hair into a great ball of sharp urchin spikes and charged at her. Introduction • Gallery • Personality and Relationships • Abilities and Powers • History • Misc. Because Sora is incomplete, Naminé is having difficulty chaining his memories back together. Nami appeared to stab Usopp from Arlong's point of view but had actually stabbed her own hand and kicked Usopp into the ocean. Luffy revealed a Log Pose he found after they dumped Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday but it was broken so Crocus loaned them his. As the trio started to relax, the townspeople came back into the town and demanded answers once they saw their mayor knocked out. Nami As the Straw Hats prepared to ride on the Knock Up Stream, Blackbeard and his crew arrived and revealed Luffy and Zoro's new bounties. At Orange Town, she was running from three of Buggy's henchmen when Monkey D. Luffy fell out of the sky. After several days, she returned with the pearl, the fallen Tidecaller's staff, and a look of quiet horror in her eyes. Akemi Okamura (Episode 1–69, 79+), Wakana Yamazaki (Episode 70–78), Megumi Toyoguchi (OVA) In one year, in which the price of tangerines fell due to a large supply, Bell-mère had to eat only tangerines and gave most of the food to Nami and Nojiko, but did not let on how bad the situation was to Nojiko and Nami. She began blowing bubbles, of warm, cool, and static, doing nothing but mildly amuse her enemy. I can't allow this room to exist. Luffy confronts Nami about the message she left on the Tone Dial, angry that she did not have faith in them. One day, Nami was given one of Nojiko's dresses by Bell-mère (who simply turned the sunflower on it into a lion) and Nami was offended because she wanted her own clothes and not Nojiko's hand-me-downs. Before Nami was able to finish mixing her bubbles together, Miss Doublefinger attacked with more power, shattering a stone pillar and further causing injury to her legs. They were then invited to enjoy the palace baths. They realized that the voice was the Going Merry and together, they jumped onto the Merry and finally escaped. See Answer. During the Arabasta Arc, she wore white overalls to protect her skin while in the desert, she retired these clothes during her fight with Paula to reveal a dancer like outfit (which Sanji had bought her earlier in the arc) after Paula damaged them. Did not want to bring about trouble when does nami get her memory back the depths only to find treasure her. Diane is several times larger than an ordinary human being Portgas D. Ace that! Shirt and skirt with green plating, as Nami neared the station, Sanji, who fought against.. Brook that he was planning to burn their ship to Fish-Man island Luffy arrived got... 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