Outside: clear sky Wind: Light breeze Wind Speed: 6.91 … Boating at Clinton Lake, Kansas. . Email: Clinton@usace.army.mil Visitor Center: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Civil Works Project Partnership Agreements, Former Fort Crowder Chemical Warfare Materiel Site, Former Naval Auxiliary Air Station Quillayute, Missouri River Wildlife Management Areas Map. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including northern pike, catfish, flathead catfish, crappie, white bass, bullhead, bream/bluegill, walleye, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, striped bass and carp here. You can find a map of the brush piles on the Kansas game and..." Miola Lake. Promotional video for Clinton Lake State Park in Lawrence, Kansas. Current Fishing Conditions: Blue Catfish 35 inch minimum length limit and 5 daily creel limit went into effect January 1, 2016. During the past ten years the marina's popularity has increased exponentially. If that time won’t work for you, 12:00AM to 12:00AM looks promising. It is approximately 55 feet deep at its deepest point. Get ready to go fishing in Clinton Lake (KS). A jig and a nightcrawler is a go-to method for catching walleye on this lake. The one major problem that I have with fishing Clinton Lake is that I believe that everybody in central Illinois fishes this lake. Clinton Lake is located in Douglas County, Kansas. Clinton … Please note that some waters are privately owned and it is the angler's responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions before fishing these waters. There is a self-pay station at the entrance to Clinton and Melvern State Parks if no one is at the check in gate. Evening bite has been good at times, as fish are chasing shad at the surface. When fishing, anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Striped Bass, Walleye, White Bass,. Ice Fishing Regulations: Ice fishing regulations apply to all waters where ice fishing is permitted. Rating is based on biologist's current opinion of the fishery and the three-year average provides density data from past year's sampling results. Clinton Lake (Kansas) Fishing Map. or website corrections, write to CENWK-PA@usace.army.mil. Remember to adjust these times based on barometric pressure, and weather changes. In the spring, shad guts or shad sides seem to work best as bait. Coffey County Lake - Coffey County Lake has resumed normal hours. The lake has been featured on national television programs such as Jimmy Houston's Outdoors and Bill Saiff's Rod and Reel. In KDWPT facilities where foot traffic is allowed, please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. The dam at Clinton Reservoir has kept the species out of a lake popular for fishing and boating. Thank you. Special Regulations for certain waters are posted on the Fishing Location Pages or you can contact a district biologist for more information. menu Clinton Lake (Kansas) Fishing Map. Clinton lake brush piles I saw on the KDWPT website that there are GPS coordinates for 8 different brush piles that were put in Clinton lake. ** Striped Bass or Wiper in Combination Marinas Boat Ramps (0) Fishing Information: Clinton Lake Map: Weather Center: Boats For Sale: Safety Regulations and Information Kansas Boater Exam State Boating Laws (Reference Guide) Useful Boating Links Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) Boating Knots Marine Signal Flags IPX Waterproof Product Specifications Moon Phase Calendar (See at night) Clinton Lake … These fish can reach sizes of up to 50 pounds, and are caught during most of the year. Any size. One of the state's fishing lakes located just West of Lawrence, Kansas. Clinton Dam is a dam located just 6.2 miles from Lawrence, in Douglas County, in the state of Kansas, United States, near Clinton, KS. It is approximately 60 feet deep at its deepest point. This lake is 7,340 acres in size. Feel The Thump Guide Service is Owned and Operated by avid crappie fisherman Terry Davis.Terry has teamed up with good friend and tournament angler Dustin Reynolds to be able to provide those looking for an unforgettable crappie fishing trip 7 days a week.. Terry has been fishing Clinton Lake for almost 10 years now. Zebra Mussels are present at Clinton Reservoir. Fishing Spots. Our Mission. Tired of fishing the same spots? Be sure to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY all equipment that comes in contact with the water to keep from spreading them to another lake. Current Fishing Conditions: Blue Catfish 35 inch minimum length limit and 5 daily creel limit went into effect January 1, 2016. Zebra Mussels are present at Clinton Reservoir. When I first started fishing Clinton, there were only two other crappie guides on this lake. Terry has been fishing Clinton Lake for almost 10 years now. Casting imitation crankbaits in this situation as produced some good fish. So you're interested in fishing Clinton Lake. I also saw a note on the website to signup for a newsletter that will contain information for new brush pile GPS coordinates. Kansas Angling Experience Guide Service started in the summer of 2015. Be sure to CLEAN, DRAIN and … Clinton Lake Reservoir (Fishing Map : US_KS_clintonlake) Clinton Lake Reservoir fishing map is available as part of iBoating : USA Marine & Fishing App(now supported on multiple platforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows(tablet and phone)/PC based chartplotter.). Using swim baits and large jigs, either casting or jigging over channel breaks. Clinton Lake is located in De Witt County, Illinois. Be sure to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY all equipment that comes in contact with the water to keep from spreading them to another lake. Ice fishing permitted. LL Salmon. Stop Aquatic Nuisance Species. Current Temp: 30.2 Max Temp: 32 Min Temp: 30.2. Finding the best fishing guides and charters who are offering fishing trips and packages in Clinton Lake (KS) Explore Now! We will meet at the boat ramp on whichever lake we are fishing. Your safety is our priority. The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters. The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters. If you need fishing tackle, or are looking for a fishing guide or fishing charter please visit Tackle, Guides, Charters *** Walleye, Sauger or Saugeye in Combination. There is a 54-mile portion of the Kansas River that is inundated with Asian carp, but dams in place should limit the species from advancing. Clinton Lake Marina in Lawrence, Kansas is proud to offer a clean facility and friendly staff to serve you during your wonderful lake experience. The Outbound works best with JavaScript enabled. About Fishing Hot Spots for Clinton Lake near Lawrence. See Lake George/Lake Champlain Regulations. Located close to beautiful and historic Lawrence and the University of Kansas, the lake offers camping, boating, fishing, hunting, over 50 miles of hiking, equestrian and mountain bike trails, 18-hole golf course, model airplane airport and the Clinton Lake Historical Society Museum. Our Products: Printed Maps > Kansas. Clinton Lake is located in Douglas County, Kansas. Great Chazy River from Route 9B at Coopersville upstream to Perrys Mills Dam: Fishing prohibited March 16 until the Friday preceding the 1st Sat in May When fishing, anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye and White Bass. Clinton Lake Crappie Guide Service. This lake is 4,895 acres in size. Bait Shops. In the summer, minnows, prepared baits, chicken livers and worms seem the most productive. Coffey County Lake (5,090 acres) has proven to be one of the premier fishing lakes since opening for limited public fishing in October 1996.. Coffey County Lake is dedicated exclusively to fishing. It is approximately 55 feet deep at its deepest point. We recommend jigs over brush for Crappie between Apil and May. Price Range $$ Impressum. Fishing. The lake has been featured on national television programs such as Jimmy Houston's Outdoors and Bill Saiff's Rod and Reel. Clinton County Ice Fishing. 5. Product Details Located within an agricultural setting, Clinton Lake is an environmental jewel with clear water and a wooded shoreline. All year. He has been able to pattern the crappie year round in order to guarantee success on his guide trips. 21″ 3. Clinton Project Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 872 N. 1402 Rd Lawrence, KS 66049 Tel: 785-843-7665 Fax: 785-843-4360. ESSAYONS . If you want to keep up with what is going on with Clinton Reservoir, Total Estimated Trout Stocked for 2020-2021 Season, Total Estimated Trout Stocked for 2020-21Season, Total Estimated Trout Stocked for 2020-21 Season, October 29 extra fish stocked do to Slough being nearly dry. Questions about hunting, fishing or boating permits should be directed to 620-672-5911 and ask for Licensing. Clinton Lake is a reservoir located just 6.2 miles from Lawrence, in Douglas County, in the state of Kansas, United States, near Clinton, KS. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including walleye, largemouth bass, catfish, blue catfish, sunfish, bream/bluegill and flathead catfish here. About Us. Clinton Project Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 872 N. 1402 Rd Lawrence, KS 66049 Tel: 785-843-7665 Fax: 785-843-4360. Clinton Lake is a reservoir located just 6.2 miles from Lawrence, in Douglas County, in the state of Kansas, United States, near Clinton, KS. Clinton Lake. This was the first nesting in Kansas since pioneer days. The Clinton Lake Marina is one of the newest and largest marina operations on any of Kansas' lakes. Brian has guided hundred and hundreds of successful fishing trips all over Northeast Kansas, and loves helping people get the most out of their fishing time and budget. Trolling crankbaits or targeting surface feeding schools, or vertically fishing jigs over channel breaks. The best time to hit the rivers and creeks is as they are rising after heavy rainfall. Zebra Mussels are present at Clinton Reservoir. Local Service. When fishing, anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Striped Bass, Walleye, White Bass,. All year. All year. Brian is a strong believer in CPR (catch, photo, release) of large Walleye, Largemouth Bass, and Smallmouth Bass. Fishing Regulations. Escape to Clinton Lake where it's all for play! In keeping with these increasing demands the operation has grown in both the services offered and … Fishing for channel catfish is quite popular at Clinton Lake. http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm, Transferring Fish and Game to Another Person, Education, Exhibition, Collecting, and Salvage Permits, http://kdwp.state.ks.us/news/KDWP-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms/Request-a-Newsletter-for-the-Larkwrence-Fishing-District. Crappie are being caught in water 10-20 feet deep around brush piles and standing timber vertically fishing jigs. ATTENTION For 2021, KDWPT requires a 4-night stay for camping reservations during Memorial Day Weekend, and a 3-night stay for 4th of July Weekend and Labor Day Weekend. Rating is based on biologist's current opinion of the fishery and the three-year average provides density data from past year's sampling results. Fishing Report. Lake Trout. For the latest information on KDWPT facilities and services, visit https://ksoutdoors.com/KDWPT-COVID-19-Updates. The official public website of the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Coffey County Lake (5,090 acres) has proven to be one of the premier fishing lakes since opening for limited public fishing in October 1996.. Coffey County Lake is dedicated exclusively to fishing. To find Clinton Lake enter the 38.920837 latitude, and -95.329697 longitude coordinates into your GPS device or smart phone. For the latest information on COVID-19, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm. 15″ 3. Read Fishing Reports Weather for Clinton Lake. CULLING: Once a daily creel limit of any particular species has been possessed, any other fish of that species that is caught must be releasedimmediately… * Not sampled in 2019. Page Transparency See More. FISHING REGULATIONS All statewide fishing regulations apply at Clinton Lake as ... never fishing Clinton Lake. Our files contain artificial and natural reefs, buoys, ledges, rocks, shipwrecks, and many other types of structures that hold fish, in a 35 miles radius of Clinton Lake. Coffey County Lake - Coffey County Lake has resumed normal hours. With Clinton being a power plant lake the water stays warm all year, which provides excellent crappie fishing even into the cold months. Fishing Clinton Lake, KS on 1/13/2021 will be best from 12:00AM through 12:00AM. https://ksoutdoors.com/KDWPT-COVID-19-Updates. KS state parks require a $5 daily vehicle permit upon entry if you do not have a yearly sticker. Clinton Lake Us Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas. Be sure to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY all equipment that comes in contact with the water to keep from spreading them to another lake. Additional Lake Info: All boat ramps at Clinton Lake, with the exception of Boat Ramp #4 in the Bloomington West Park are open, with Bloomington Boat Ramps courtesy docks in the water. Clinton Lake Reservoir (Fishing Map : US_KS_clintonlake) Clinton Lake Reservoir fishing map is available as part of iBoating : USA Marine & Fishing App (now supported on multiple platforms including Android , iPhone/iPad , MacBook , and Windows(tablet and phone)/PC based chartplotter .) * Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass in Combination This lake is 7,340 acres in size. / Clinton Lake / Fishing. Boat Ramps #1, #2 and #3, in the Clinton State Park, are open and have courtesy docks in place. Upper Chateaugay Lake, Chazy Lake: Trout. Price: $11.45. In 1989 Clinton Lake generated statewide headlines when a pair of bald eagles nested in the Deer Creek arm of the reservoir. Add to Cart. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including northern pike, catfish, flathead catfish, crappie, white bass, bullhead, bream/bluegill, walleye, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, striped bass and carp here. The birds have returned annually to the highly protected aerie. Zebra Mussels are present at Clinton Reservoir. Some action using shad, cut bait, sunfish, minnows and nightcrawlers. Email: Clinton@usace.army.mil Visitor Center: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are also about nine or 10 crappie guides on Clinton Lake. The table below lists the lakes and ponds in Clinton County that are open to ice fishing. Map of Clinton Lake. Download GPS Files Download over 460+ fishing spots in Clinton Lake, Kansas, US.We have the best Clinton Lake fishing spots. * Not sampled in 2019 due to high water levels. Clinton Lake North Shore Blue and White Loop Trail is a 5.8 mile loop hike that takes you by a lake located near Lawrence, Kansas. Trolling crankbaits are producing some fish. Department-owned Waters – Trout Stockings by KDWPT, Community Lake Stockings - Please contact local city/county offices for dates of stockings if not listed below, Department-owned Waters - Trout stockings by KDWPT, Community Lake Stockings - Please contact local/city offices for dates of stockings if not listed below, Community Lake Stockings - Please contact local city offices for dates of stockings if not listed below, Department-owned Waters - Trout Stocking by KDWPT, Department-owned Waters - Trout Stockings by KDWPT, Community Lake Stockings - Please contact local city offices for dates of stockings if not listed below, Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (S.C.O.R.P), Hiking, Biking, & Horseback Riding Trails, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. 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